
I forgot my password or want to change it

If you can't remember your password and need to reset it, log out of your account and then select the 'Forgot Password' link under the login fields, and follow the prompts . If you want to change your password from your parent app: Launch your parent


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Something Bad Happened Error

Change your account password: Log out of your account and select the 'Forgot Password' link to reset your password. (Or you can use THIS LINK.).

Account & Subscription

How Do I Change the Default Language of the App? Changing account email · I forgot my password or want to change it · How can I change my payment details?

how to find a password : rHowToHack

All you can really do is guess the password, or try forgot my password and see if you can guess the recovery questions, or if you have ...

How to get rid of OurPact Jr. without parents knowing

Select “device system profile with the name “OurPact” Underneath it. Press “Remove management and put in your password. When prompted ...

is there any way to bypass ourpact? : rparentalcontrols

You can simply factory reset your device. Don't forget to backup all your data first! If the settings app is somehow blocked on iOS, you can use ...

How to Remove OurPact from iPhone with or without Password

Step 1: Go to Settings > General > Device Management/Profiles > Device System Profiles. Step 2: Tap on Remove Management for the OurPact ...

General Questions

Can OurPact control my child's gaming console? I Received an Alert That My Account Email or Password Was Changed · Does OurPact offer Phone Support or Live ...


Ifyoucan'trememberyourpasswordandneedtoresetit,logoutofyouraccountandthenselectthe'ForgotPassword'linkundertheloginfields,andfollowtheprompts.Ifyouwanttochangeyourpasswordfromyourparentapp:Launchyourparent,YouneedtoenableJavaScripttorunthisapp.OurPactLogo.Reset.Alreadyamember?Login.|.Notamember?Signup.PoweredbyEturiLogo.PrivacyPolicy ...,Changeyouraccountpassword:Logoutofyouraccountandselectth...